Friday 25 November 2011

Week 8 Ideal Protein Diet

LOST 4 lbs last week!  AWESOME!
TOTAL loss to date 29.8lbs!
Measurements taken.  I am now down 15.5 inches.
Measured my husband as well - he is down 36.5 inches!  He is still not weighing, as he does not want the emotional roller coaster.  BUT - doing the math, I think he is likely down around 70lbs!  Pretty impressive for 8 weeks.!
Neither one of us is really exercising.  I have done a little bit of hiking on the weekends (not much).  He has increased his activity a bit - because he is feeling so good - but not "exercise" in the typical way people think of it.
Ideal Protein protocol WORKS!  I am so impressed! 

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Week 7 Ideal Protein Diet

Another week, another great loss!
When you hear "average loss for women is between 3 and 4 lbs per week".  Most of us think "oh ya, I have heard that before!".
This week -- 7th week done - LOSS of 3.0 lbs!  Total loss 25.8!
No major cravings, I guess that roller coaster that they talk about -- being caused from the sugar highs and lows - really is true.
Measurements taken - Total inches lost for me:  15.5"  (YES, they are taken in a total of 9 places - but I do not care!  It just proves that I am getting smaller, agreeing with what my clothes are telling me.
My hubby (who I have mentioned is NOT stepping on the scale) is down an INCREDIBLE 36.5"!!  WOW.  For the short amount of time we have been on this, that is more than impressive!  He is feeling great (as am I).
2/3 rds of our way through this 3 month committment!  It has gone by pretty quickly.
tty soon..

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Week 6 Ideal Protein Diet

GREAT week -- down another 3.2 lbs for a total of 22.8!
WOW - will this success ever stop?
I am a few days late in posting these results ....weigh in was last week.
1/2 way through this 12 week commitment - and very pleased.
I AM looking forward to easing off a bit over Christmas, but seeing the results makes sticking with it easier.
Hubby was away for a few days (*he took his protein packs with him and meat and veggies - and stuck to the program while he was away!)...I will admit to thinking on the way home one evening "he will never know if I stop and buy some BEER!" - BUT I did not, and I am happy with myself because of it.
There have been a couple of days where I had my 3 protein packs for the day (including 1 "restricted"), and I got the muchies later on in the evening - so I have given in and had a second restricted item.  NOT approved and NOT a good idea, BUT I am still losing, so I guess that choice was better than going all whole hog and getting a bag of chips or something.
Hope all is well in your world - imagine yourself 22 lbs thinner in 6 weeks!